Oliver Anthony Cancels Show in Knoxville

Oliver Anthony’s performance at the Cotton Eyed Joe Bar in Knoxville, Tennessee was canceled due to various financial factors but the disagreement eventually spilled out into social media. 

When the September 27th show was announced, tickets were starting at $99 per person with meet and greet upgrades available at $199 per person according to Knoxnews. 

In a since deleted Facebook post, the venue voiced their disappointments with the circumstances citing that at the current ticket price they would just break even on the event. According to the post, Anthony would have received $120,000 for a 60 minute set that night. The venue went on to detail how after paying taxes, ticketing fees for selling the tickets, and opening the venue on a closed night for the event they would not be able to make a profit. While they did not explicitly voice negative remarks to Anthony and his management, it’s evident in their tone of writing that this was fueled by a negative taste in their mouth regarding Anthony and his team.

Following their initial post, Anthony responded refuting their claim that he was going to be paid $120,000 for the show and has only ever been paid $35,000 at most for any given performance. He went on to say how he handled everything on the phone during the booking process and was very frustrated to learn that they would be charging nearly $200 for the meet and greet. 

Despite the circumstances, Anthony goes on to wish the venue the best in their future events and shows and apologizes to his fans that they had to endure this process. Anthony announced that he has another show lined up in a similar area for only $25. 

 Now sold out, Anthony is in the process of trying to add a second show at the Knoxville Convention Center according to another Facebook post.