Wyatt Flores: In His Own Words

Over the last two years, Wyatt Flores has captured the hearts of music fans everywhere through his openness and authenticity. Since his viral hit “Please Don’t Go” gained widespread attention on social media in 2023, his career has accelerated extraordinarily. Flores has kept things in perspective during his swift rise to fame and stayed true to his character. 

However, that hasn’t always been the easiest task. On February 15th, during his show in Kansas City, Flores showed true vulnerability by explaining he would be taking a break from music to focus on his mental health.

“I thought I was a lot stronger than I was.”

Two months after returning from his mental health break, Wyatt Flores sat in the cozy familiarity of a Waffle House outside of Nashville with chocolate milk in hand. The 22-year-old opened up about his newfound stardom, his mental health, and his new perspective. Between sips, he admitted just how challenging the adjustment to fame was. 

“​​I’m used to being a nobody, and then all of a sudden you get thrown into being a somebody, you know, it hasn’t been easy for me,” Flores explained. “Growing up here, you have a lot of people that just talk down to you, just say a lot of hurtful things, and now everyone loves you and wants to be your friend.” 

That experience is part of what sent him spiraling. While on the road, his battle with mental health was and still is no walk in the park. When Flores’s managers intervened and insisted he take a break, it was a pivotal moment that potentially averted a tragedy. He was forced to cancel a show, reschedule another, and forgo his shows overseas. 

Missing a few shows seemed like a tough decision at the time, but it might have saved his life. “I thought I was a lot stronger than I was,” Flores admitted. “If I would have gone across the pond at that time, I don’t think I would have ever came back.” His words felt heavy as his eyes were fixed on the table before him, as if it was playing a horror movie about what could’ve happened had he made the trip. 

“Take your time, do the things you need to do to take care of yourself.”

Now, in a much better mental state, he recognizes how fortunate he is to live out his dreams but isn’t ashamed to acknowledge it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. “As much as this is a dream job, it’s also an absolute nightmare,” Flores explained as he reflected on his battles over the last year and a half.

Since his break, he has prioritized himself and set boundaries to prevent falling back into that dark mindset. “I finally realized the work will never stop. The work will always be there. Hopefully, the fans keep wanting to listen, but you don’t have to run yourself ragged. Take your time, do the things you need to do to take care of yourself.”

In his journey of self-reflection, Wyatt Flores is more in tune with who he is as a person now. “I know myself better than I ever have. That’s been crazy, even to say out loud, but it’s true. I’ve been taking more care of myself.” 

That sentiment is going to be evident in his future music as well, sharing that his debut album is on the way and will differ from what we’re accustomed to hearing from him. The project ties up any loose ends from his recent EPs Life Lessons and Half Life, completing the trio. 

RELATED: Wyatt Flores, “Half Life” – Album Review

Notably, Flores started writing it in December 2023 and finished in April 2024 focusing on this chapter of his life. “I’ve been a lot happier since, so I have happy songs now,” Flores said with a smile. He has been known for a lot of dark, despondent lyrics, but as he overcomes struggles, a happier side of him is reflected in his writing, potentially exposing a new facet of his music.

“I’ve been a lot happier since, so I have happy songs now,”

There are two unreleased songs he’s most excited about; the first of these is called “Forget Your Voice,” and was inspired by his grandparents who battled dementia.  Lyrically, it has a similar style to his previous music; sonically, it’s very different. “It’s a poppier song, and I knew that when I wrote it,” Flores said. “That song is the catchiest thing I have; it’s ear-wormy as hell. But the entire thing is saying I don’t want to forget your voice. If you go, I don’t have anything to hold on to.”

The other track he expressed enthusiasm about was “Little Town,” a song inspired by the Disney/Pixar movie Cars which highlights the simplicities of life. He went into further detail explaining how maybe the people who stayed in their small hometowns were the ones who did life right since they always seemed so happy. “Little Town” is one of a few songs on the record where he tried to “find the feel of America,” citing John Mellencamp’s “Pink Houses” as another inspiration to accomplish that. 

Wyatt Flores leans upon outside influence in his writing, but he makes sure to stay true to his own vision. Artists like the Turnpike Troubadours and Jason Isbell inspired him to become a songwriter from a young age. He recalled the first time his sister introduced him to Turnpike’s Diamonds & Gasoline album when he was 12 years old, and then going to see them perform live at Cain’s Ballroom when he was 16. 

“It completely changed the way I see songwriting, the way I see country music. It’s just been the biggest inspiration,” Flores shared. While he looks up to those artists, he recognizes that he is leading his own career and understands his process of songwriting.

 “​​As badly as I wish that I could write another song that could have made it on the Diamonds & Gasoline album because it was that good enough lyrically, I can’t – that’s their writing style,” he admitted. That self awareness and his ability to craft and hone in on his own artistry has allowed him to truly embrace the role of a songwriter.

Another source of inspiration has been his family. They have been with him every step of the way, and his relationship with him has pushed him to continue to pursue his dreams. He had a full circle moment in May as he opened for the Turnpike Troubadours at Red Rocks. He broke down on stage when he spotted his parents in the crowd, realizing at that moment that his dreams were coming true.

 He looked back at that moment and explained that it was their journey and accomplishments just as much as his. “They’ve been watching me come home at six in the morning after I played a show until two and then drive all the way back (home). They’re drinking coffee, and I’m cracking a cold one,” he recalled. “It’s been a long journey for them as well, and anyone in my family, and, yeah, I lost it.” Their unwavering support has helped shape him not just as an artist but as a person.

Wyatt Flores’s journey thus far has been a moving one, filled with tribulations and triumphs. His battle to balance his mental health and his skyrocketing career is constant, but during our conversation, he showed he’s primed to face each day with a new outlook. 

 “I’m just hoping that the better end comes out of it and I can save someone else’s life.”

Although Wyatt is still working through some things, he is well on his way to coming out on top. Through the process, he has shown it’s okay not to be okay and connected with a lot of fans who are going through the same things. The Oklahoma native has a newfound perspective on life and has taken time to prioritize himself and appreciate the little things. 

Wyatt Flores shared the wisdom that helped him through tough times and continues to guide him daily. “Be happy because of how present you are and where you are in life. Be thankful and be grateful for those little experiences that you get no matter how big or small they are,” he advised. 

Even in his darkest moments, it was never about him. It was about those who cared. Whether it’s his friends, family, fans, or just someone who came across his story, it’s much deeper than just getting himself better. “I’m just hoping that the better end comes out of it and I can save someone else’s life.”

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